Saturday, March 7, 2020

Huck Finns Different Traits essays

Huck Finns Different Traits essays Huckleberry Finn is a novel by Mark Twain, which is a story of life through the eyes of a young boy named Huck. The book embodies the maturation of Huck through his character traits. In the novel, Huck displays the traits of being adventurous, The most obvious trait portrayed by Huck was his adventurous attitude. He shows his bent for adventure in many different situations. When Huck said, "there's a nigger here that I'm trying to steal out of slavery", he showed this trait(227). The book as a whole could be called an adventure, and has been by many critics. Huck's adventurous attitude gets him into trouble, causes many climactic but also gets him out of a lot of trouble. Huck also displays sympathy in the novel. He shows his sympathy primarly to Jim throughout the novel. He shows sympathy when the robbers were on the boat and Huck sends help to them. Even though the section about the robbers was an anecdote to move the story along it shows Hucks sympathy towards others.He tells the daughter of the dead father that the king and the duke are trying to a con, "I got to tell you the truth. These uncles of yourn ain't no uncles at all - they're a couple of frauds."(188). The situation with the daughter showed a great amount of sympathy because Huck had a lot to gain if he kept his mouth shut, but instead he showed sympathy. Huck shows patience many times when it comes to The King and The Duke. He puts up with their antics for a long time, even though they sometimes got him in trouble. Also, when Huck was living with "Pap" he waited for days in order to obtain a good time to escape. When he was waiting he showed extreme patience because "Pap" was "[getting] too handy with his hick'ry" through the whole time(63). Because of the fact that beating Huck was Pap's forte there are not many oth ...

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